Friday, April 30, 2010

Response from NEA on AMK Hub Hygiene Issue

This is a follow-up post from this blog entry.  It has been more than a week since I lodged my complaint with NEA.  This afternoon, I received an SMS from Joel of NEA, saying s/he had talked to the management of Foodfair at AMK Hub, asking them to improve their standards.

The response is a bit slow, after more than a week, but it is still better than no response.  I don't know how effective it is by just asking the relevant management to improve their standard.  That is yet to be seen. 

AMK Hub's Foodfair currently is undergoing some changes.  Many stalls had closed down to give way to new stalls.  The hygiene at AMK Hub's Foodfair was not really that good previously, with the current changes, it seems the standard has gone from bad to worse. 

Ok, let's see how AMK Hub's foodfair will improve on their hygiene standard.  I will check them out in the near future and give you an update.  Hopefully it is something positive.

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