Lomo is fun, but then for each roll of film I shoot, it will cost at least:
1. film: $2.50 - 3.50
2. Development: $3.50
3. Scan to CD: $5.00
Total cost is about S$10.00. It does not seem much for one roll, but if I shoot 10 rolls, the cost just snowballs to $100.00, which is more than the cost of the camera itself. This cost escalation is not acceptable in economic terms.
Last night, I learnt a trick from Clubsnap to merge many photos together and get that supersampler 'look'. Here is my first attempt, does it look like a supersampler shot?
1. film: $2.50 - 3.50
2. Development: $3.50
3. Scan to CD: $5.00
Total cost is about S$10.00. It does not seem much for one roll, but if I shoot 10 rolls, the cost just snowballs to $100.00, which is more than the cost of the camera itself. This cost escalation is not acceptable in economic terms.
Last night, I learnt a trick from Clubsnap to merge many photos together and get that supersampler 'look'. Here is my first attempt, does it look like a supersampler shot?

There are pros & cons of using a DSLR as a Lomo.
1. ISO is changeable on the fly and as the need arises
2. Many different available lenses
3. Shoot digital, no film cost, development cost => almost 0 consequence cost
1. DSLRs are too big & heavy to carry
2. DSLRs attract too much attention when in action
Another con is that the subject always seems to be in the centre of the picture, which is not natural. And I'd say also that the background should follow a straight line, proportional to the angle at which you held your camera. That, I think, is the biggest give-away of non-lomo shots. Zero points on that one for you here.