Jonker Street Shops
Jonker Street Scene
Another famous place is the QingYunTing (青云亭) Temple. It is the oldest Chinese temple in Malacca, which still yeilds lots of influence. About a decade ago, the Malacca government wanted to level Bukit SanBao (三宝山), a Chinese cemetery dating back to the Ming Dynasty in the city centre of Malacca. Strong opposition came from the local Chinese community, but the local government still pressed ahead the decision. A legal tussle started. At the end, it was QingYunTing Temple that came up with the original decree from one of the Sultans that clearly stated that Bukit SanBao was awarded to the Malacca Chinese community. The decree proved the local Chinese community being the legal owner of Bukit SanBao. The government lost the suit and had to scrap the plan.
QingYunTing Temple Main Hall
QingYunTing temple has some unique features that other Chinese temples don't have.
1. If you look at the horizontal pillar across the main hall, you could see 8 golden men supporting the pillar. These eight are not of Chinese origin only, they include Indians, Bangadesh, Westerners as well.
2. There are two poles in the front of the temple. They represent the sails of a ship. It signifies the local Chinese, being overseas Chinese, will one day sail back to their home country - China.
3. The temple has camourflaged signs of anti-Qing Dynasty & support for the movement to restore Ming Dynasty.
It is quite interesting to learn all these, right? When I was there for the first time many years ago, I didn't know any of these. QingYunTing just looks like any other temple, boring! Now with such knowledge, everything becomes interesting.
And how can we miss the landmark of Malacca - The Dutch Square, with its red buildings.
Dutch Square
Another place that the Chinese tourists will not miss is SanBao Temple at the foot of Bukit SanBao. SanBao Temple is very much a mis-nomer. The god being worshipped there is an earth deity, not Admiral Zheng He (郑和). Zheng He's original surname was Ma (马), and he was a Muslim. His tribe lost a war with the Ming army and he became a prisoner of war. As he was still at a tender age, he was chosen to become a eunuch to serve the imperial family. He made great contribution to the success of Emperor Yongle, so the emperor awarded him to have the surname of Zheng, and a title of SanBao.
Then why is this temple called SanBao Temple then? Mainly because of a well in the temple's premise that was said to be dug by Admiral Zheng He when his fleet came to Malacca during Ming Dynasty.
Main Entrance of SanBao Temple
Statue of Admral Zheng He
There is a sad story about the statue of Admiral Zheng He. The statue was donated by some community. At first, it was supposed to be placed in QingYunTing Temple, but the temple management rejected the proposal, reason being QingYunTing temple is a buddhist temple, but Admiral Zheng He is well-known to be a Muslim. For a period of time, nobody wanted to have this statue on their soil. At the end, the statue found home in a museum. Now, with the rise of Chinese economic power, Chinese tourists flock to cities along the silk road on the sea. Everybody is competing for the Zheng He statue.
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