Wednesday, March 4, 2009

History Repeats Itself

History repeats itself. In my case, it has repeated at least 3 times, and I fall at the same mistake 3 times. If once is an incident, then 3 times is systematic.

You start a project, and build up the team, then your boss comes to you and say hello, your project is a low priority project. It is setup for fun only and keep you guys busy for a while. Now, I have another high priority project that needs manpower, I will take all your guys away, you project is cancelled. This is what will happen with scenario 1.

Scenario 2 is the boss comes to selectively take away some people, the good ones. You will either be left with the lousy guys, or the vacancies will be replaced with lousy guys. And then if you manage to turn some lousy guys to good guys, then those good guys will be re-assigned to somebody else's project.

Scenario 3 is you bring your whole team to work on other's project. After you do all your best to complete the project, if the project is successful, that project's leader can claim good credit for the work; if something goes wrong, all faults are yours.

Scenario 4 is that someone takes up a new project, enjoys the honey moon period with the customer. Just when the project goes into some actual work, that someone disappears, and leaves all the hard work to you. And worse, that someone makes 'good' decisions to please the customer but he/she him/herself can keep up the promise, you have to deliver the impossible. Typical 'shit-cleaning' work. I work as a janitor!!!

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